What is the Test Drive Team?

I’m often asked what the secret to success has been for Social News Desk. How exactly did someone with zero business experience and even less computer engineering skill create a successful SaaS technology tool relied upon by thousands of journalists worldwide?

It’s simple really … I just solved a problem.

All too often, startup founders begin with a solution in mind. But for me – it wasn’t about finding a market for my solution. It was about finding a solution for my market. And I’ve never lost sight of how important it is to know who you’re building software for and to really listen to what they’re saying they need.

For this reason, Social News Desk has always been committed to early-stage releases and an extreme-level of transparency around our roadmap. I truly want to know what our users like and dislike. And I want to know it as soon as possible.

At first, this process was somewhat ad hoc. But over the years, we’ve formalized the system and inducted a group of super-users into our “Test Drive Team.” The members of this group receive features first and are committed to putting those features through the paces. Our best ideas are validated by this group … and our worst ideas are squashed before they see the light of day! You’re welcome! 😉

Interested in learning more about how you can participate in the SND Test Drive Team? Reach out to us at support@socialnewsdesk.com.