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8 Things Newsroom Social Managers Can Be Thankful For

As we prepare to stuff ourselves silly with Thanksgiving dinner, we’d like to take a moment to think about a few things social media managers in newsrooms can really give thanks for. People who read the articles. Nothing warms a social media manager’s heart like commenters who have actually read the content and given a thoughtful response….

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5 Ways to Live Tweet Like A Pro

As my colleague Derek Drake likes to say, “News breaks on Twitter, and people talk about it on Facebook.” 2016 promises to be as busy as ever in the news business, with campaigning already in full swing for a large slate of presidential candidates. And that’s not even taking into consideration a regular day in…

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What Newsrooms Need To Know About Facebook’s Algorithm

Nothing is ever written in stone at Facebook headquarters. The company prides itself on innovating and changing quickly. But that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t try to keep up. And as Facebook begins to exceed Google in referral traffic to news sites, this is a race you definitely want to be in.  First, there are no…

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