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SND Promotions drives huge results for Sinclair’s The National Desk

Sinclair Broadcast Group recently expanded The National Desk, a national news broadcast, to 20 new markets across the United States. With goals of driving additional website traffic and increasing awareness of the broadcast, they enlisted SND Promotions to get the word out. Our Meta-certified Promotions team quickly launched a large-scale campaign that promoted local tune-in…

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WDIV-TV rolls out forward-thinking newsletter strategy to acquire new digital audience.

The future is now for TV Newsrooms looking to diversify revenue streams and acquire new digital audience. While newspapers have in many ways gotten a head start here, television stations in local markets are starting to lean into new ways to boost engagement and ultimately create revenue online. For WDIV-TV in Detroit, MI, this means…

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The better way to boost posts on Facebook.

If you’re boosting posts on Facebook, chances are you’re looking to increase audience engagement, drive more people to certain content or generally promote awareness of your brand. Unfortunately, you’re also probably wasting a lot of money in the process. So instead of playing whack-a-mole with your marketing budget… consider this ROI-based strategy instead … Promote…

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